Blood Clubs Campus Drives Ambassador Initiative ImpactU Award

The ABO Initiative Marketing Toolkit Big Ten "We Give Blood" Drive

Campus Blood Clubs

University of Illinois Drives 

Illinois State University Drives 

Eastern Illinois University Drives 

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Drives

St Louis University

University of Wisconsin/Madison

Campus blood drives 

March 25 - University of Illinois

March 26 - Spoon River

March 26 - Scott Community College

March 27 - Illinois State University - East Vrooman Center - Escalante Room

April 1 - illinois Street Residence Hall

April 2 - University of Illinois ROTC

April 3 - Illinois State University

April 4 - College of Veterinary Medicine

April 7 - Illini Hillel

April 21 - Illinois State University

April 23 - U of I Athletics

The Ambassador Initiative

Student AmbassadorLooking to change the world? Us too.

We’re on the lookout for Brand Ambassadors to cultivate the next generation of blood donors!

Two simple ways to Change the World: 

  • Spread the word on social media about how to Change the World with ImpactLife 
  • Help coordinate ImpactLife campus events  Student Donors

Benefits of being an ImpactLife Brand Ambassador: 

  • Community Service hours  
  • Great resume builder  
  • Gain real world experience and leadership skills 
  • Expand networking opportunities 
  • Did we mention free cookies? 

Email us at!

impactu award

Build your resume and leadership experience while giving back to your local community. Personal blood donations are not required, although we always encourage donations from those able to give.

Your support of blood donation directly impacts local hospital patients in a life changing way. In recognition of your achievement, students who complete the Student Impact Award Program will receive:

  • Resume-building experience & volunteer hours
  • Personal reference letter 
  • Satisfaction and pride for helping save lives 


Students must complete one of the following requirements over the course of their undergraduate college career:


  • Host a 10+ unit blood drive that is new (not on an existing account). Drive can occur at a community location OR at one of our Donor Center locations but must be a drive that you and/or your organization has never hosted before. Email with questions and to get started today. 


  • Start a new Registered Student Organization on your campus. Organization must hold at least 1 blood drive per semester and have at least 10 active members.


  • Achieve at least 10% growth in collected donations of your school’s existing RSO chapter on your campus.  See our Tips for Success and Marketing Toolkit below for ways to help grow your drive! 

    Example: If your student organization’s blood drives collected 50 units last year, we would ask that you achieve 55 units this year to achieve 10% annual growth. 

    Note: This option is only available on campuses with existing ImpactLife Registered Student Organization. Your ImpactLife Representative and/or faculty liaison are available to assist you in reaching these goals. Please email with any questions or to get started on one of these requirements today.  


To learn how you can make a difference on your campus or to submit ImpactU award participation, fill out the form below!  

Tips for success

You are not limited to your campus when it comes to hosting a blood drive! Encourage your peers to check out one of our donor center locations to give, or reach out to local businesses to see if they will host a blood drive!

Remember, we are here to help! Tag @impactlifeblood in your posts on social media so we can help you get the word out about your campus blood drive. 


This toolkit is designed to give you the assets you need to share with your college campus. In it, you’ll find social media graphics, images, templates, and narrative to help with your advocacy. 

Snapchat Filters

become a blood donor snapchat filter

i am a blood donor snapchat filter

i gave blood today snapchat filter

Instagram Stories

the blood drive is one week away sign up today

the blood drive is today instagram story

sign up for the blood drive instagram story

blood donation is safe instagram story

blood drive tomorrow instagram story

we need abo and you instagram story

Profile Picture

red blood drop logo on navy background

Social Media Graphics

heroes are our type

you're our type

change the world give blood