When you come in to donate at any ImpactLife donor center or blood drive 01/01/2025 – 12/31/2025 and book your next donation on the same day, you’ll be automatically entered for a chance to win a $250 gift card!



One winner will be selected each week. Each weekly prize winner will receive one (1) $250 value gift card.


Raffle participants will be asked to provide contact information via their blood donation registration process. This is to ensure ImpactLife’s ability to contact the winner by cell phone or email.

To be eligible, you must:

  1. Register to donate (any procedure) at any ImpactLife donor center or blood drive (regardless of whether a donation is made)


     2. Book your next appointment on the SAME DAY of donation registration

You can rebook at your donation location with the help of an ImpactLife staff member, volunteer blood drive coordinator, or on your own via the ImpactLife donor app or scheduling website, but you must book your next donation BEFORE midnight on the same day as your initial donation presentation.


ImpactLife will select the winner at random from a list of all donors who present to give blood and rebooked same day, pulled from ImpactLife’s donor database. One (1) prize winner will be selected and contacted following each week, according to the schedule below:

  • 12/30/2024 – 01/05/2025  Sarah Lack 
  • 01/06/2025 – 01/12/2025  Mark Tesdahl
  • 01/13/2025 – 01/19/2025  Patrick Quimby        
  • 01/20/2025 – 01/26/2025  Randy Reinhart  
  • 01/27/2025 – 02/02/2025  Shanon Wellington 
  • 02/03/2025 – 02/09/2025 Rene Beltran
  • 02/10/2025 – 02/16/2025 Drew Hoppenworth
  • 02/17/2025 – 02/23/2025 Karl Dann


This promotion is intended to encourage donors to book their next appointment at the time of their donation, to increase the blood supply and prepare for future patient needs.


The drawings are open anyone who registers to give blood at an ImpactLife donor center or mobile blood drive during the promotion period and schedules their next donation appointment in the donor scheduling system after they register and before midnight on the day of their presentation to give.

Note: Registration for blood donation takes place prior to pre-donation screening. Prospective donors who register for donation and are subsequently deferred from giving blood for any reason will be included in the drawing.

Employees of ImpactLife and their spouses and children are not eligible for the prize drawing.


The winner for each drawing will be notified by email and phone in the week following the eligible period, dates listed above. Once the winner for each drawing has been contacted and has agreed to accept the prize, the winner's name will be announced on the ImpactLife web site at top of this page.


The winner must agree to accept the prize and to have their name and photograph used in ImpactLife promotional materials (i.e., social media posts, media news release, and an article on the ImpactLife web site). Each winner has three days after initial contact attempt from ImpactLife to accept their prize before we will choose another winner. Selected winners who are under the age of 18 or who have a designated legal guardian will be required to have their parent or legal guardian provide written consent to accept the prize.

By accepting the prize, the winner acknowledges that they will be responsible to pay all taxes and fees associated with winning the prize, as applicable by law.

If the donor chooses to decline the prize, ImpactLife will choose a new winner by repeating the process described in the SELECTION OF WINNER section above.


Please contact the Programs and Communications Team at ImpactLife with any questions regarding this promotion, the drawing, and eligibility rules.

Programs and Communications

(563) 359-5401

5500 Lakeview Parkway
Davenport, IA 52807