Upcoming drives

2/13 - Calvary Church

Donate at the Muscatine Donor Center any time of year and mention Micaela's code #3427 to credit your donation to Micaela's Hope.

The Brunson's Story

Micaela making pancakes in the hallMicaela Brunson had a way of taking care of people.

During finals, she brought a griddle to school and made pancakes in the hallway, handing them out to her classmates.

When her school held a blood drive, she was excited to become a blood donor.

And when she took her own life in November 2016, her family found a way through their grief to take care of people like Micaela would have wanted, making sure to donate her organs, eyes, tissue and her hair. 

Since then, her parents Alma and Brian have continued to find ways to take care of people. They started a suicide prevention foundation, Micaela’s Hope. They host virtual walks, documentary screenings, hair drives, and memorial blood drives in Micaela’s honor.

To date, more than 300 lifesaving pints have been donated in Micaela's honor.

If you’re struggling with mental health, you can talk to someone day or night at the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 800-273-8255.


Micaela Brunson

Muscatine family honors daughter’s memory with blood drive - KWQC, February 2022
Blood drives honor late high-school student - WHBF/KLJB, February 2022