additional information

By donating blood you are able to help local patients at hospitals across our region. The whole process for donating blood take about 60 minutes. Below are the steps for giving blood. At the Cresco Blood Drive you will also have additional tubes drawn for the Allergy Test.

The information given for the blood draw will remain with ImpactLife and used only for purposes of identifying the units of blood donated. After registration you will be given a Donor ID and you can create an account with ImpactLife. 

Information associated with the Allergy Testing will be used by PlasmaLab to identify allergens. The results of those tests will be share with the individual only. Cresco Labs will not receive individual results, only an overall summary.


All participants donating blood AND participating in the Allergy Testing will receive:

  • 2 Hours of volunteer time with Cresco
  • Voucher to redeem for blood center apparel or $10 Gift Card from ImpactLife (see gift card options here)
  • $10 Gift Card from PlasmaLab

All participants participating in the Allergy Testing ONLY will receive:

  • 2 Hours of volunteer time with Cresco
  • $10 Gift Card from PlasmaLab

Blood Drive Sign Up

Get eight hours of sleep and eat a hearty (eggs, meat, leafy greens, fruit) evening and morning meal. To help stabilize your blood pressure, drink lots of water (and minimize caffeine). Your body will lose about two cups of fluid during donation, so being fully hydrated is important.

Click here to sign up to give blood AND participate in the Allergy Screening.

Allergy Testing Sign Up

  • Employee will provide staff with completed Allergy Testing Questionnaire 
  • Employee will be asked to show ID
  • Staff will draw approximately 20 mL of blood for the sample tubes

Click here to sign up for Allergy Testing sample only

Blood Types Needed

Many variables can impact our blood inventories such as weather, holidays or tragic events.  Every day, patients who need blood are in crisis and you can help by volunteering to donate.  Less than 10% of the population gives blood, so donors that give on a regular basis are important to meet these needs. Book an appointment today!

  • O+

    5 days

  • O-

    2 days

    Critical Need

  • A+

    4 days

  • A-

    5 days

  • B+

    4 days

  • B-

    6 days

  • AB+

    6 days

  • AB-

    6 days

Schedule Appointment