infographic showing the basics of donating blood

Double red cell donation is similar to a whole blood donation, except a special machine is used to allow you to safely donate two units of red blood cells during one donation while returning your plasma, platelets and white cells to you.


A double red donation takes approximately 15 minutes longer than a whole blood donation. 

Donor Informed Consent  Donor Informed Consent (Spanish)

Preferred blood types

  • A negative

  • O positive and negative

  • B negative

additional eligibility requirements

In addition to the standard donor eligibility requirements, platelet donors have additional medication considerations:



  • at least 5ft, 5in tall

  • weight at least 150lbs

  • at least 5ft, 1in tall

  • weight at least 130lbs

additional red cell apheresis procedures

For donors that would like to give more often and enjoy the apheresis donation experience, we also have  procedures that allow us to collect a single red cells along with platelets and plasma products. This may be important if we have a patient need for other types of products from specific blood types. ImpactLife staff can assist donors in determining the right type of procedure at the right time and location. 

For more information or to make an appointment, call us at 800-747-5401 or email

Blood Types Needed

Many variables can impact our blood inventories such as weather, holidays or tragic events.  Every day, patients who need blood are in crisis and you can help by volunteering to donate.  Less than 10% of the population gives blood, so donors that give on a regular basis are important to meet these needs. Book an appointment today!

  • O+

    5 days

  • O-

    2 days

    Critical Need

  • A+

    4 days

  • A-

    4 days

  • B+

    5 days

  • B-

    6 days

  • AB+

    6 days

  • AB-

    6 days

Schedule Appointment