the basics

infographic with blood types A+, AB+, AB- and B+ and test tubes with 12.5-18.3 hemoglobin level

How Does the Procedure Work?

Blood is drawn from the donor's arm through sterile tubing into a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins the blood to separate the components. A port is opened in the centrifuge and plasma are drawn into a collection bag while the remaining blood components are returned to the donor's blood stream.

How Long Does it Take?

Depending on your weight and height, the  donation process will take approximately 30 minutes.

Donor Informed Consent  Consentimiento informado del donante

preferred blood types

  • A positive
  • B positive
  • AB positive and negative

Additional Eligibility Requirements

In addition to the standard donor eligibility requirements, plasma donors have additional considerations:

  • Have a hemoglobin of 12.5-18.3

Plasma Donation Frequency

While donors are eligible to donate more frequently with plasma apheresis donations, you don’t necessarily need to commit to giving this often. Our recruitment department is happy to work with you to find a donation frequency pattern that works best for you and fits what time you have to donate. 

  • Wait 7 days after a platelet donation to give whole blood.
  • Wait 7 days after a whole blood or plasma product donation to donate platelets.
  • Wait 28 days after a plasma product donation to donate whole blood or plasma.
  • Wait 112 days after a double red cell donation.

For more information or to make an appointment, call us at 800-747-5401 or email

Blood Types Needed

Many variables can impact our blood inventories such as weather, holidays or tragic events.  Every day, patients who need blood are in crisis and you can help by volunteering to donate.  Less than 10% of the population gives blood, so donors that give on a regular basis are important to meet these needs. Book an appointment today!

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