What is the good giving program at impactlife?

After you donate blood, you'll receive a special thank you gift through our Donor for Life program. This is our way of saying thank you for your lifesaving contribution!

Within 48 hours of your donation, check your email for "Your Recent Donation" with a link to redeem your reward. Even if you were deferred from donating, you'll still receive 100 points to use in our rewards store. If you prefer to pay it forward instead, you can direct your reward value to our Good Giving Program, allowing you to support any 501(c)(3) charity of your choice. Your charitable contribution grows the more regularly you donate!

Can't find your email? No worries at all! Our friendly ImpactLife Rewards team is ready to help. Just give them a call at 563-823-3959 or send a quick email to hello@impactlife.org.

New Good Giving Opportunities

The Good Giving program now offers donors greater flexibility in supporting causes they care about. Instead of limiting charitable donations to a single nonprofit partner during set time frames, donors can now choose any 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization to receive their Good Giving contribution, creating a more personalized and meaningful impact. A charity gift card is an easy way to make a difference with a charitable donation.

With nearly 2 million charities to choose from, you are sure to find the one that matters to you. This charity gift card is issued by Charity on Top Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity. 85% of the card’s value is redeemable for contribution to a qualified registered third-party 501c3 charity. Find out more As with all gift cards ImpactLife provides donors, these cards are not refundable or redeemable for cash or credit. This card does not expire and is not for resale. Purchase, use, or acceptance of the card constitutes acceptance of the Terms and Conditions at charityontop.org/terms which may change at any time.

How to Redeem Your Charity Gift Card

Step 1

1. Go to charityontop.org/redeem

Step 2

2. Enter your card number

Step 3

3. Search for charities that interest you

Step 4

4. Click Use Gift Card to complete

Frequently Asked Questions

Your privacy is important to us. When you select your charity, you can decide if you want to share your information with the charity, but this is entirely voluntary.

Yes! You can redeem your gift card for as many charities as you would like, provided you don't exceed the face value of the card and your minimum donation to each charity is at least $5.

No, they never expire. However, we highly recommend using your charitable gift card soon after receiving it, to avoid losing track of it.

No, tax-deductible receipts can only go to the buyer of the gift cards.

If an organization qualifies as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and maintains its good standing with the IRS, it's an option. Currently, that's around 2 million charities! To confirm your charity is included, use the charity search tool