There are five different types of white blood cells (WBCs) that consist of 1% of your blood: neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes. WBCs are created inside your bone marrow and stored in your blood and your lymph system.
- Lymphocytes - Create antibodies to defend against bacteria, viruses, and other potentially harmful invaders.
- Monocytes - Help to break down bacteria.
- Eosinophils - Attack and kill parasites, destroy cancer cells, and help with allergic responses.
- Basophils - Type of immune cell with enzymes that are released during allergic reactions and asthma.
- Neutrophil - Helps to fight infections by ingesting microorganisms, and releasing enzymes to kill those microorganisms.
![breakdown of a granulocyte]()
ImpactLife is in need of dedicated donors who donate platelets frequently and are familiar with apheresis procedures. The granulocyte procedure requires a recent donation within the last 30 days. This requirement greatly diminishes our donor base when we have an urgent need for granulocytes.
Patients with cancer or other diseases or those undergoing treatment that causes decreased neutrophils and increased chances of infection can be very critical and need a granulocyte product VERY QUICKLY and will most likely need more than one. This means ImpactLife needs to act quickly to find donors that are eligible and willing to donate.
The night before your procedure (within 12-16 hours before your procedure), we need to draw one vial of your blood to determine WBC count and hematocrit value. You will also receive a Neupogen shot which stimulates your bone marrow to create more Neutrophils. You will also receive two oral dexamethasone (a steroid) 10mg pills for any pain you may feel from the Neupogen shot.
The day of your donation, you will be registered and screened as usual, then we will place you on an apheresis machine.
There will be two needles because this procedure is continuously drawing blood at the same time it is returning blood.
Please contact our Patient Services Department at 563-823-4132 for any questions you may have about the procedure or the program and if you are interested in participating, we will add your name to our contact list and contact you when we are in need of Granulocytes.
Be prepared, you may be contacted at the last minute with a request for a Granulocyte donation